An uncommon reception recport

An uncommon reception recport

Radio six via the net: 1048 with alternative pop songs . 105155 with ID 'R6I' follwed by a jazz song [reular grind , as shown on winamp ] 'loving you' by Betsy Foster, and on 1057 Anti cale 'while'

Radio six transmits on OGG , MP3, WMA and real. Unintermittent stram all this time
The picture below shows the transmission throuput between 1048 ti 57 to with 85 min to max 230 kbps with tracing time of 4 secs using the OGG - icecast transmission

radio six1

and here is the bradcast strem with WMA 1126-1139 UTC

1126-37 wma


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