Multiply's high jumps
Multiply's high jumps May 6, '07 6:07 PM for everyone Category: Other I do not know if some from you have tested so far , but not long time ago I have found a new site that shows very interesting information about a site's popularity takes results from many search sites and shows that in a very concise matter As for example it collects the popularity rate from Alexa. When I first tried it Multiply was at 430 - January 2007 - and on 6-5-7 it jumped to 252!! AS it can be shown in the Alexa's page the change in months is abt 31% This is the traffic picture : Also what is making bigger impression is the user and traffic rank: As per the above page 15.3 of it users come from Philippines [!!] with Indonesia and USA being at second and third rank and Spore and Msia in 3rd and 4th In contrast the site compete shwa a people count [the number of people visiting the site ] ...