Yet another book of he March 12 Order for Malay language and  culture written by Hasan Muhammad Ali again from the Singaporean publisher Times Inc and shows  te idioms as a format of compound words
And another book with interesting info

Chapter 1 is just the introduction
Chapter 2 describes idioms as like a play with words sh9wing  some examples as with anak engkat (adopted child )
chapter 3 discusses the reason to use the idioms with examples from various texts
chapter 4 discusses  the meaning of symbols on how the Malaysians language  is a proverbial language
Then on part two it shows the Malaysian idioms with this format :
  • idioms - compound words sorted alphabetically
  • translation or explanation in English
  • re-translation in Malay 
  • an example 
  • its translation  in English 
These are a total of 300  expressions . Those times  i had some time to compare it with the book kamus bahasa baku , which is my largest Malay - English dictionary with use of more than 10 years . BY comparing the first  30 entries , 12 of them were not found in the dictionary

MY opinion is that this book tgouh introductory still can help quite the student of  the language


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