
Showing posts from 2014

Μακεδονική Πάπρικα !!

Μακεδονική Πάπρικα   !! Και ακόμη μια συνταγή   με δικη μου τεχνική !! Βασισμένος   σε συνταγές που βρήκα στο ίντερνετ ακολούθησα σχεδόν σε διαφορες αναλογίες   τα υλικά για την μακεδονική πάπρικα με την χρήση βασικα   της ζυγαριάς για υπολογισμό του βάρους των υλικών. Ετσι , τοποθετώντας το μούλτι πάνω   στην ηλεκτρονική ζυγαριά ξεκίνησα βάζοντας   πρώτα το τυρί. Στν συγκεκριμένη    περίπτωση έβαλα νηστίσιμο τυρί περίπου 80 γραμμάρια     (έναντι 40 που έλεγε η αρχική συνταγή) περίπου 40 γραμμάρια λάδι (μονό που είχα διαθέσιμο αραβοσιτέλαιο   αντι   για ελαιόλαδο ) περίπου 30 γραμαρια ξύδι (αυτό δεν αναφέρονταν στην συνταγή )  Πέρα από την συνταγή   αυτή την φορά (ηταν η πέμπτη φορά ) πρόσθεσα και πράσο που το ψιλοέκοψα με το χέρι. Στην δοκιμή αυτή   αντί για το μούλτι χρησιμοποίησα το μπλέντερ . Σε αντίθεση με το μουλτι που το χτυπούσε ολο , στο μπλέντερ το τυρί δεν ...

Κηπουρου !!!!

Η κηπουρού είναι απο τις αγαπημένες μου σαλάτες.  Μέχρι τώρα αγόραζα σαλάτες  απο τα σούπερ μάρκετ  ,αν και ήξερα οτι η κατασκευή της   είναι σχετικά εύκολη. Η καλύτερη   μάρκα είναι   αυτη της Αμβροσίας που    παράγεται   στην Σινδο Θεσσαλονίκης . Παρατήρησα ακομη   ότι η ίδια εταιρία παράγει   και την σαλάτα που πουλάει   ένα γνωστό    γερμανικό υπερμαρκετ με την ιδια σχεδοιν ποιότητα   αν και από εχει λιγότερη μαγιονέζα   από ότι   η κλασική της Αμβροσίας. Αν και βρήκα συνταγή σε μια   σελιδα , στην παρακάτω    κατασκευή ακολούθησα δικό μου τρόπο ! Στην φωτογραφία   βλεπετε   το μείγμα των λαχανικών παυ έβαλα : καρώτο σέλινο ρεπάνι μεγάλο και πράσο ψιλοκομμένο   , με τυχαία αναλογία υλικών . Για ακόμη καλύτερα , εν σχεση με τις προηγούμενες   δοκιμές μου (άλλες δυο ) , άφησα   τα λαχανικά να κάτσουν   περίπου 2 ώρες   κατω απ...

Η κοκκινοσκουφίτσα ο καλός λύκος και η κακιά γιαγιά

Η κοκκινοσκουφίτσα    ο   καλός λύκος και η κακιά γιαγιά (μια πολύ κουφή ιστορία indeed ) Προσοχή η ιστορία   ΔΕΝ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΔΙΚΗ ΜΟΥ Μια φορά και έναν καιρό μέσα στο δάσος υπήρχε μια κακιά   γιαγιά   που λέγονταν Ευθυμία …..(τρομάρα της) που κρατούσε την κοκκινοσκουφίτσα   με το όνομα Ιωάννα δέσμια μέσα στο σπίτι και δεν την άφηνε να βγει   έξω γιατί δεν ήθελε   η μικρή της   να βρει τον καλό λύκο που γίνονταν ένας ωραίος λυκάνθρωπος (τον έλεγαν Πιερ και ήταν και   gay μέχρι τότε !!) Αλλά ένα βράδυ με πανσέληνο πήγε και την βρήκε και κλεφτήκανε Πήγαν σε άλλη πολη και παντρεύτηκαν. Otan   το ανακάλυψε η γιαγιά πήγε στον ανεμόμυλο και βρηκε τον Φρανκενστάιν που τύχαινε να είναι ο παππούς της   Ιωαννας . Η Ευθυμία και ο Φρανκενσταιν ήταν ζευγάρι από παλιά   αλλά ξένοι δάκτυλοι   δεν τους αφήσαν τότε να παντρευτούν. Στο μεταξύ   ο Pier   και η Ιωαννα πήγαν για ασφάλεια στον πύργο τ...

Sejarah Melayu: Malay history web page of sabri zain

Sejarah Melayu is one of the oldest pages I know   in the web for the Malaysian   history . I know this site   at least   since 2000 .   Mr Zain   uses   JavaScript to block   copy pasting , so that only direct printing is possible. However since that time   I used a program   called   Fine print that acts as a printing driver that saved my life .It helped me   to joining all printed pages into on bundle , able also to   remove any blank pre-printed pages . That old times , I used a color inkjet printer and printed all of it in a A5 form . And more recently   2014 I   made once again the     bundle   with the updated version of this web page ,that it adds to about   50 A4 pages since the former printing 10 years ago . that made me feel   that Mr Zain is now quite ‘lazy’ to add and   terminate his job in this web site.  A notice of the design of the   websit...

Coping with difficult people

Coping with difficult people By Robert  B ramson Coping with difficult   people is one of the oldest of "verbal defense market" , published on late 80s This book   as noticed in the   preface , uses various   techniques already tested and proven , used so far by many people , not only in work , ie between mates but also by teachers , students CR   staff , police officers   etc Language :   the language   is quite easy   and easily passing as you read hough   there still   some   unknown   words to me. I can run easily reading it Structure of the book : The book has its special design in each chapter : Preliminary Example or examples Behaviors of the   difficult people Understanding them How to cope with   them A review of coping (a   example of coping ) (prevention against them ) Chapters 1 intro 2 hostile aggressive t...

Review Eng/Grk : Η γλώσσα του σώματος/ Body language B+A Pease

Η γλώσσα του σώματος   Body language B + A Pease  This book is surely the best   among the books I have   read so far mentioned for   body language   with ca 4 70 pages I have the Greek version edited /published 2006 . The   book is very detailed with many pictures and diagrams and   analyzes   it from many aspects including cultural differences , smoking , better office design , and a final chapter with examples to   analyze bunches of   nearly all    referred in the book Στα Ελληνικά  Μαζί με το βιβλίο Collins gem το βιβλίο των   Pease & Pease   είναι ένα από τα άριστα βιβλια   στο χώρο της γλώσσας του σώματος   μέχρι στιγμής που εχω διαβάσει . Μέσα   σε περίπου 470 σελίδες οι Pease περιγράφουν πολύ   αναλυτικά   τα περσότερα   χαρακτηριστικά που διέπουν   τις ανθρώπινες   μη λεκτικές επικοινωνίες .  Πλήθος  ...

Hartly & Karinch Body language / viewpoint in English & greek

This book is a   bad quality   reprint   specifically as a   add on for a newspaper this year . The book uses   a rather bad paper , poor   gray scale   photos and is rather hard to   read because of these reasons. Moderate level of subject makes me    a   bit indifferent in what they write in it , as many of them already known to me. And Collins gem   is much   better any way Η γλώσσα του σώματος Το βιβλίο το βρήκα   μέσα σε προσφορά εφημερίδας. Η ποιότητα του χαρτιού είναι πολύ χαμηλή δημιουργώντας   μικρή αντίθεση με το   σχετικά αχνο μαύρο μελάνι της   εκτύπωσης      Ευτο   συνεπάγεται   δυσκολία στην ανάγνωση . Επίσης προσθέστε   ότι   το κείμενο   καλύπτει   σχεδόν ολ την σελίδα > σαν αποτέλεσμα   αυτό ακόμη περισσότερο με δυσκολεψε      στην ανάγνωση του βιβλιου (η ολη λογική    θυμί...

review : Nasty People by Jay Carter

Nasty People Aka the invalidator  by Jay carter “The invalidator” as it was to be called  is a small 100 page book written by  Jay Carter 20 years ago and is specialized to  what some would call cyclothymiac or people who say this time  something now and after sometime  refute  As rather all these  people are like Hitler , ie little  Hitlers  who always try to find ways n how to manipulate you and  then you feel no only bad but also  lose your temper  mood and finally  you get into demise and get sometimes into suicide at least  psychologically. This book  uses a rather  strange and “ill mannered” language . in several cases  you may think that you are also a  nasty person  as the persons he describes …  The wording in most is rather simple though in the start  of the book  I had about 5-7 unknown words in a rather sparse text Here is a  short descriptio...

Collins GEM Boidy Language

A old collective  book I m not 100 sure on when i bought it but  seems at least since 2000 , at last the  time it was republished and  bought   that time from  the local market of a  cost of ca 2500 drs  or 8.5 Eu .(price listed is GBP 5.5 ) This a a  8.8 x 11 cm  pocket book. This book is highly a  pictorial with  nearly full of pictures in its nearly 200 pages Its size is very practical and always handy to use. Very nice  text and  easy to understand. The pictures as you see help the  user very much and simplify  him to get the message immediately. Here is a description of the chapters included  . There are  also two : guide to actions and list by emotions Discover body language Expression and gestures Getting together Meetings and parting Being positive Being negative Signs of conflict Domination and defensiveness Tension  relaxation Concerning deceit Anima...

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Coping With Difficult People

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Coping With Difficult People by Arlene Matthews Uhl As usually  these series of idiot guides  are determined  to use a rather funny language . However this book is  rather not so funny , unless  you read  in a different  way and laugh a bit This book instead of the book of Glass  seems as like a …dissertation. His language is rather complex and sophisticated that made me lost much time to identify the unknown words which are about 6-8 per page in  a text of ca 700 words per page . The author is a psychiatrist who tries to explain a story in rather simple way but still  for me my vocabulary is rather  poor as already noticed In the text  there are not only definitions inside the text but also found at the end of the book before the word index The text boxes   has nearly the usual  form of Idiot’s  , this time as: Disarmer (maneuvers ) Man hole (alerts) Tactic...

Book review : Toxic people by Lilian Glass

Toxic people This is another book found in my self-help collection from the older times. Mr Glass in this book makes a partial remake or possibly follow up of her  Verbal Self defense  but seems more specific regarding to the other book as it goes closely to toxic persons  that defending in general ON the start  the book  deals with all characteristics (more  than 120! )that  imply in a toxic person then it analyses  the behavior and on how you can understand of a person is toxic  from the discussions you may have.  The techniques it describes  are identical to the other book  with possibly less wording and then on how to cope with them , using a series of strategies referred in the previous chapter (8) All remain chapters on the end ,which are  mostly  for motivation,  seem  not to have any relation with the defense book but hey seem to me quite interesting as well as  moving . What ...

The tower room /Adele Geras

The tower  room By Adele Geras This is the second book   Daphne Lee s   ‘Malaysian tales’   is   based or inspired for he Malay team to write the  Malay tales retold and remixed As   I found in the net , Adele Geras   , writes books   aimed for children . This book is loosely   based on the Rapunzel story. 3   teens   living in a room in a tower describing their   adventures .   Till the   main character of the story   finds the love and then ….(you many read the book   for more! ) This book   uses    easy and simple language   though on the start about 7 words out of 500 were unknown to me (but thanks to the tablet   the task   was   quite easy )and the pages   were easily read in less than 10 minutes per page together   with the translation . On the start od the story I was   checking mostly the language   but near ...

The bloody chamber by Angela Carter : review

The bloody chamber BY Angela carter This book   is the one of the two books of Daphne Lee inspired to write together with a team of   good Malaysian writers the book Malaysian tales remixed and retold   ( ) The book   is like a remix of older mostly known tales as red riding hood , snow white    in a total   of 8 mini stories in  a very different way than the original It is noticed by revidewers that the stries here set   a new position on the young females , in a rather wining form .carter also noticed that she was a feminist Unfortunately   the language   is very difficult . For example a text of just 70 lines  has abt 40 unknown lemmas . That made me lose abt   30 minutes to   identify   all these   lemmas and lose finally the text .And ten i had to read the tex t about two times agin to get the m...

Verbal Judo (my verbal defense series #3 )

Verbal Judo      With   comparisons   to tongue fu book Verbal judo is  now the number 3 book in the series  ordered  via amazon as the remain. The book  is smaller and  thinner than the tongue fu with ca 180 pages   I started reading the book together with making notices in Greek but soon I stopped noticing as  most of the start of the book was  filled by his stories as a cop  and was quite boring to me .  The first interesting part  was after chapter 9 and still  with little  or less than little  interest , comparing to the  Sam  Horn's  book . I  found that the book repeats  sometimes the same thing , which makes me rather disappointed. But  more interesting is after chapter 12 as these  chapters give more essential  information  with more difficult situations than  someone will cope in the real life than a cop. B...

Tongue Fu ® by Sam Horn (my verbal defense series #2 )

Tongue fu is the second of  my verbal self defense books There is also a  interesting story  in the preface on how  it was called :  The author has develolpped seminars on how to defend  difficult situation and negotiations. After one of her seminar ended , one attendee didn't leave  the classroom , and told the author  that these classes  remind him the techniques similar to martial arts , very similar to Kung fu. So Mrs Sam  renamed the  class as Tongue Fu®!  (with always the !  on the end ) This book  has a different approach  than  Mrs Glass  book  ( idiots guide to verbal self defense ) . The book is divided in 5 parts . A total of 30 chapters  between  3 and 8 pages each . Each chapter starts with a quote , then the header , and then full of quotes from famous people  together with short  passages maximum 1 page each after each quote ,  mostly with examp...