Complete idiots guide to verbal self defense (my verbal defense series #1 )


Some reading the title  can think hat this book is related to martial arts or even to karate > the title is a bit misleading . The correct  with it , is  a different  way of thinking into verbal communication.
The  author is Lilian Glass , with PhD  in counseling psychology and communication disorders
IN this  book  Mrs Glass codifies and writes into techniques and strategies  on why and how you have to communicate with various types of people.

Her language is very plain and very easy to understand ,quite funny ,but  there are some  Americanisms that  my dictionary  does not include as for example  cutsie  wootsie , douche
and others.

In contrast  to the other  related  books as  Tongue Fu! and  Vverbal judo,(from what I looked into their Amazon preview  ) this book show shows  guidelines with special boxes as talk back . verbal vignettes , listen up that add some useful information , that reminds the dummy’s  series of books , with a similar style of organization and layout.
To my opinion  many  of this book’s techniques are quite known, though some of them I didn’t know  or never  used  , but can be more useful  to younger people though still  for he elder  can be a helpful or  communication accompanying book . I have  read it  tw times , the  fist time  for being … with  it , and deriving the  unIDed  words (very few per page) but for the second pass , I kept also some notices with me  in Greek , in order to better keep them in mind and for immediate use . a way that includes  the resume of at least 2 books.
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Here is a  short description of the chapters of the book together with a concise information
  1. Identifying the  opponent . Deals with the  body language of he opponent together with his nonverbal attitude. And how to observe it
  2. When you are  verbally zapped : just a way to listen behind the lines
  3. Toxic people : all categories as narcissistic  together  with phrases of them
  4. Verbal murder :  persons and  their inherit problems from psychiatric viewoiont
  5. Analyzing strengths and weaknesses : finding out  your points and  asking your mates  friends etc  what they find from your attitude .also some questionnaires about yourself and breath  techniques
  6. Gaming the physical edge : several things to strengthen  your posture
  7. Gaming the verbal advantage : with exercise  to enhance your vocal tone
  8. Communication skill defense : making  enhancements  to your  communication , self analysis , change your bad things
  9. Confident conversation: techniques  for opening a  conversation including several topics of interest
  10. Self defense strategies : learning how to combat yourself , being prepared , using  imaginary  methods and select the best  tactic
  11. When they overstepped boundaries : several easy techniques  to cope against someone to continue his own verbal venom . Includes  breathing  methods
  12. When more aggressive is necessary : tech as as like shouting. Strategies to act  . They are listed also on the 2nd page of the book
  13. When to stop and go
  14. Meanings of words between sexes
  15. Blood in not always thicker than water:  ie between family
  16. Verbal welfare between specific people : for example against enemies , salespeople
  17. Combat against verbal abusers : this chapter describes the categories of verbal abuser as whiners fast  talkers , child sounded people and others together  with the  most appropriate  technique as described in ch 11
  18. Techs against painful abusers  : as flatterers un-talkers with strategies as  noticed in the ch 11
  19. Against  dangerous   abusers  as manipulators , backstabbers , fanatics  etc.
  20. Defense over the telephone :
  21. Against  more difficult situations : as humiliation , focused satire  etc
  22. Death , racism and related
  23. When self defense can save your life : negotiations , persons  cheating with their fake appearance , road  outrages etc
  24. Defending against yourself : fixing your flaws , not  propagating important info about yourself in the community etc


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