My other web pages

AS you possibly know  i own several other web  pages . This page will cover with a short reference  all my other public web pages .

   This is my oldest page  and totally inactive today started on 96 . Many articles about my story, personal interests,  radio, radio pirates database , trips across Greece with radio receptions and and several gadget reviews   and some Greek ethics pages
  A complete listing is shown on (the left pane of the framed main window acts also as site map  )

    This is a mini travel photo page for Litohoron . It is about 50 photos and needs a bit of update

    this is a travel photo page  for Tinos, an island  very famous  for its Church  of Madonna

    This is my  secondary today  photo page . Short updates just for keeping it as image repository for  my blogging system. Originally made for commentaries in between the Nikon D70 mailing list/ users  group on mid 2007

    And  this is just a profile page with my interests  including  some of my work fellows and a bit of communications . Irregularly used.

This is  my main blog page set up on Oct 2006 and mainly used nearly every day . The facilities  of Multiply separate the blog into  main blog , pictures, videos , music calendar reviews   and links .

ON the blog I have kept all my radio logs, including  audio clips  publicly downloadable and  a report for Sansa E130 , and MP3 /WMA codec comparison  in a pdf version
The picture part covers pictures from LItohoron including shows i cover pictorially  for a  local newspaper , some  trips inside Greece and ethics
The music part covered some radio clips until Multiply  blocked 'non authorized'  downloads and several  clips  from  Malay music under identification (ie who is the singer or the title ). . Malays  there is my biggest network
The reviews part  covers  reviews  for   electronic products  i own. Part of my salary  each month goes there
And the links part is for links with he ability  to comment  each link.
There is nothing public on videos  for the moment

Blogged with Flock


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