
Showing posts from September, 2014

Verbal Judo (my verbal defense series #3 )

Verbal Judo      With   comparisons   to tongue fu book Verbal judo is  now the number 3 book in the series  ordered  via amazon as the remain. The book  is smaller and  thinner than the tongue fu with ca 180 pages   I started reading the book together with making notices in Greek but soon I stopped noticing as  most of the start of the book was  filled by his stories as a cop  and was quite boring to me .  The first interesting part  was after chapter 9 and still  with little  or less than little  interest , comparing to the  Sam  Horn's  book . I  found that the book repeats  sometimes the same thing , which makes me rather disappointed. But  more interesting is after chapter 12 as these  chapters give more essential  information  with more difficult situations than  someone will cope in the real life than a cop. B...

Tongue Fu ® by Sam Horn (my verbal defense series #2 )

Tongue fu is the second of  my verbal self defense books There is also a  interesting story  in the preface on how  it was called :  The author has develolpped seminars on how to defend  difficult situation and negotiations. After one of her seminar ended , one attendee didn't leave  the classroom , and told the author  that these classes  remind him the techniques similar to martial arts , very similar to Kung fu. So Mrs Sam  renamed the  class as Tongue Fu®!  (with always the !  on the end ) This book  has a different approach  than  Mrs Glass  book  ( idiots guide to verbal self defense ) . The book is divided in 5 parts . A total of 30 chapters  between  3 and 8 pages each . Each chapter starts with a quote , then the header , and then full of quotes from famous people  together with short  passages maximum 1 page each after each quote ,  mostly with examp...

My wife is hen ελληνικα!!

Μια φορά και ένα καρό , όχι πάντως πολύ παλιά όπως στα παραμύθια, ήταν ένας νεαρος που λεγοταν Γιώργος . Ο Γιώργος μας ήταν πολύ φτωχος και είχε χάσει τους γονείς του εδώ και πολύ καιρό. Και δούλευε παρα πολύ σκληρά για να ζήσει . Όπως τα περισσότερα αγόρια είναι πολύ ακατάστατα , έτσι ήταν και αυτός. Το σπίτι του ηταν σε ένα χωριό μερικά χιλιόμετρα μακριά από την πόλη και ειχε οικόπεδο . Γύρω από το σπίτι είχε ένα κοτέτσι και ένα μέτριο κήπο όπου περιποιούνταν   τα ζαρζαβατικά του , τα οποία πωλούσε μερικές φορές για να ζησει   Λυπόνταν που λογω της δουλειας του δεν ειχε χρόνο για να βρει καμία κοπέλα για να τον βοηθήσει. Ήταν πιο σημαντικό για αυτόν για να βρει τα προς το ζην. Πολλές φορές το σκεφτόταν και τελικά έμενε με την σκέψη!  Κάποια μέρα, αργά το βράδυ , από τον ουρανό έπεσαν ακτίνες φωτός κάπου κοντά στην περιοχή που έμενε .  Την επομένη μέρα όταν επέστρεψε από την δουλειά του , παραξενεύτηκε που είδε το σπίτι   συμμαζεμένο  ...

Life in the malay kampungs of Kuching 50 years ago

Life in the Malay kampungs of Kuching 50 years ago One of the less interesting books of my shack   I   rewrite the back of the book   here This book written 50 years ago and reprinted   on 2002 by the Sarawakian part of the printing facilities of the University of Msia seems as a   printout of a Word file and includes ca 90 pages in a format of 24.5 x 16.8 using a plasticized paper. The   language   is rather   technical but still   easy to read , with   some Malay words   using in case   there is nothing   close to English , mostly used in italic form . The book   consist of many drawings supposing made   by rapidos etc as that   time there wsa no computer . all   these   drawings show the respective points of the River Sarawak where these kampongs are located IN the first part   the geo info are stated with morphology (alluvial places )climate and vegeta...

Dealing with difficult people

Dealing with difficult people  by Brinkman One of   my books of management the older   times which is actually   a booklet with only 50 pages The book   uses simple language with just 2 pages per chapter At first   it shows a very brief description of the most 10 common behaviors (who did this separation ? I found many page using the same separation as well   many of the pages of the book were in full in the internet The list of behaviors is : Tank , sniper , grenade , known it all , think know it all , yes man , no man , nothing man , maybe man and whiner There is also a grid shown   the 4 categories between the   manager’s or employees’ intents versus tasks .  The basic categories   are Get the job done Get the task right Get along with people Get appreciation from people. For each person   there   are some easy to follow strategies with a separate   chapter   for...

Complete idiots guide to verbal self defense (my verbal defense series #1 )

  Some reading the title  can think hat this book is related to martial arts or even to karate > the title is a bit misleading . The correct  with it , is   a different  way of thinking into verbal communication. The  author is Lilian Glass , with PhD   in counseling psychology and communication disorders IN this  book  Mrs Glass codifies and writes into techniques and strategies  on why and how you have to communicate with various types of people. Her language is very plain and very easy to understand ,quite funny ,but   there are some  Americanisms that  my dictionary  does not include as for example   cutsie   wootsie , douche and others. In contrast   to the other  related  books as   Tongue Fu! and   V verbal judo,(from what I looked into their Amazon preview  ) this book show shows   guidelines with special boxes as talk back . verbal v...

Sticks and stones book by Ace Collins

This is one of my older behavior books written y a columnist and supposedly a bestselling author in the USA . As noticed in his web page is is author of many books related to religious subjects, possibly speaker and so on  As you may know the full expression is sticks and stones can stick my bones but wiords   don’t hurt me . This book   is involved into the power of the words and indirectly into   practical psychology.  The contents of the book are as follows: -           Taking to yourself -           Write down -           Saying thanks -           Greetings -           I don’t know   what to say -           Expressing emotions -     ...