
Showing posts from January, 2008

HDFM το ψηφιακο ραδιοφωνο της Αμερικης

Notice: this is an article I published last year in Greek about the American digital radio in a greek web site. The theme is also on the page: HDFM – HD radio Η αντιπρόταση το ψηφιακού ραδιόφωνου στην ΗΠΑ Το HD radio σχεδιάστηκε σαν μια επέκταση της υπάρχουσας τεχνολογίας ετσι ώστε να είναι απολύτως συμβατή με τα σημερινά ραδιόφωνα AM και FM και να προσφέρει πέρα από την υψηλή ποιότητα ήχου εφάμιλλη με τα CD την ικανότητα να ανθίσταται σε περιπτώσει ανωμαλίας της διάδοσης από ανακλάσεις (πχ σε βουνα όταν πχ χρησιμοποιείται στα αυτοκίνητα το σήματα να ακούγεται πάντα σαν να ήταν δηλ σταθερό ) Αυτή ήταν από την αρχή η φιλοσοφία το HD. Το σχεδιασμό και την μελέτη ανέλαβε η εταιρία Ιbiquity , προϊόν συγχώνευσης των εταιριών Lucent (εταιρία που ασχολείται και με δορυφορικά συστήματα εκπομπής ) και της Westinghouse Οι περισσότεροι μεταφράζουν τον όρο HD σε High Definition. Αντίθετα η εταιρία Ibiquity επεξηγεί ότι το HD σημαίνει hybrid digital (υβριδι...

sources of QRN

Notice: this mesage has been uploaded to my web page of geocities POWERLINE QRN A big problem for the DXer Since last year a very big problem encountered from a strong noise coming from the nearby powerline electricity towers of 22 kV . It first happened about start of June last year and continued until the middle of October. It again started early this May and it still continues this time ( July 2003) with a short pause on June 25 and 26 when it reappeared after a strong lightning YThe level relatively vanished on mid september and is more rare. For Last year ,as heard , the problem originates from the main transformer’s leakage You can listen a sample of this noise here as it was before July and how it now is heard Depending of the band the noise level is a bit different. Here is a listing of the signal levels in tabular and graphical format Freq MHz Level Att level 1. ...

Another possibly different new years eve

Notice: The times listed here are UTC (ie 2 hours less than the local time ) As you might see from my last year’s posting , the New year's eve , was with much of radio , DXing and satellite TV watching then visiting the waited but not realized , festival of New year on the centre of Thessaloniki This year was quite different than last year. At first , I was working this year until 1200 o clock but really there was really nothing special on office and local buildings were vacant from people. This is what we call in Greece , ‘we and the walls‘. Waiting to take my parents from the house , located nearby, (ca 1 km far from my work place) I asked my father who was outside , what they could do. He advised me to leave and return my home , as I did . My wife was waiting for me there. Last year’s eve we both were not at work At the other site , I already knew that nothing would be done on the night with the festical. Instead of it , the festival started fr...

Logs made on 31.1.7 to 4.1.8

Here is my full radio log list the previous days 31/1 to 4.1 based on material cached from DX Window , HCDX mailing list , Iwata Gaku and VT communications listing , including radio scanning . Separate , by day logs are already been posted on 128 and 129 with some exceptional logs separately (as Radio Svitle /Emmanuel and R Largoz fr the moment ) This is one time only and will be remade only in cases of exceptional cases as in this ‘DXpedition’. This time it was my period of 'vacations' Notices: cland > country means towards that country [non] means not originated from that country,but brokered Algeria [non] 9455 2018 presume Algeria , talks by OM , an acapella song . OM about Quran , man preaching over drum play . Quran till 2042, many talks after. Signal mixed with Firedrake and a Chinese lang station but Algeria(p) tapped them at 95% per reception time Liangas presume 1.1.8 Thessaloniki Greece A...

A short description of myself today

Many of you already know that I am a DXer , i.e. radio listener specialized for more difficult receptions. Several of you possibly read my Geocities page concerning my history in telecoms.If not please visit that page Here i will try in very short to describe my todays 'non-business' activities Being as photo reporter . MY mother was processing photos on 60s on the family photo service /store on Katerini , 60 km D of Thessaloniki. I am doing s emiofficial photo reporting for the Odeum of Litohoron , in which my parents are members. LItohoron is also father's birth place. I have bought on 2002 a Olympus C220 2 MP camera .Last year I have bought a Nikon D50 camera that later has been upgraded with a Tamron 55-200 lens which recently has been replaced with a Tamron 18-200 lens The Olympus C220 is for everyday use but recently has been damaged a bit as the battery lid has been broken Doing 'DX' : finding a open time window on ca0500 UTC to ca 0520...