
Showing posts from January, 2016

Looking the difference between kapsoura and jiwang !

Looking   the difference between kapsoura and jiwang ! Let me  once again stress in the  term kapsoura. Just a small scenario. Just think of a   boy. He   loves a girl  . This girl does not show a love to him  ,or even more she rejects any relation to him. this is what we  call here in greece that he is "eaten the  khylopita [a kind of noodle form rice] " meaning as blowed out   or ate the mitten  as i found  in the greek eglish lang fora yesterday This boy   is very very fond of this girl . His heart  is blowing from flames  figuratively [this is how  kapsoura  means] His love is too strong that canot focus in his work , with his friends etc and gets  alone in his life  for a short time HIs firnds ridicule him  for his  so jerky behavior He tries to forget her. he cant find any other way than   smoking oe even  drinking . Untill   sometime  , possibly l...

Book review: How to handle difficult people by Joe P bloch

This is one of the books of my  collection since  2+ more years.It comes from a malaysian imprint  of price  less than  6 Euros. I here wil describe   the book  by a 'technical' manner. Book  design and layout: This book  has a less than A5   design  of ca 148 pages with the use of quite thick doc paper  that makes a  9 mm  thick book. i.e. nearly  the double of the  standard  thickness book . Cover pages are glossy mat type   with some emoticon type or cartoon type  faces describing 8 of the 10  types of difficultpeople as described  in the book. The text of the book  is quite  loose with  nonstandard fonts of 1.5  line spacing  making 30 lines  per page.  First pages of each  chapter of the 12 included , are framed . other pages are not . Each paragraph set  is leaded  by a headine formatted with arial type fonts  of...

Το πολύ δεν είναι πάντα αρκετό

  Τρις γυναίκες   μάνα και δυο κορες έρχονται αντιμέτωπες   με ένα λάθος του παρελθόντος…. Μια συναρπαστική αλλά και σοκαριστική ιστορία   με αρκετά ηθοπλαστικά στοιχειά που θυμίζουν έντονα μεξικάνικες σειρές (ή έστω τούρκικες ) Το βιβλίο   ήταν μέσα στην προσφορά της εφημερίδας Θέματος στις 10/1/16 Ιδιαιτέρα γλαφυρό κείμενο με αρκετές σάλτσες που ήταν σε σωστή αναλογία   με το   την   ιστορία .  Περίπου 5 σελίδες ο σκελετός πράγμα που σημαίνει ότι    η ιστορία   ήταν σχετικά πυκνή Μια από τις ωραιότερες και αισθηματικές   νουβέλες που διάβασα μέχρι στιγμής   αν και πολύ γυναικεία    Ένα βιβλίο 380   σελίδων ελαφρώς αριαιογραμμένο των 30 γραμμών ανά σελίδα Και είναι εμφανές καθώς το διάβασα σε ένα βράδυ σε μερικές   στιγμές    πήδηξα στα γρήγορα τις ‘σάλτσες ‘. Με τον όρο σάλτσες εννοώ κείμενα που δένουν   μέσα στην   ιστορία και αναλύουν  ...

Writers block : What is that?

A totally  different article this time enough You  surely know that i am a  amateur blogger, with more particulary  writing   technical and radio  articles  . What you dont know is that  since last year (mid 14 ) i have started to write books starting from tales . Some samples of this were posted in my blog page under  the tag These are  my first endeavors in fiction and versions of  tales It is a subpage which  was not so much advertised so far in the social media . All  these ideas came  after reading  a  Malay book called  "Malay tales  revised and retold " by Daphne Lee a Chinese writer from Malaysia   .  This  book  inspired me to modify and  play with older stories in a more  contemporary way.  For example  I wrote the 'red riding hood' into a story of a girl  who has two unlucky occasions  while...