
Showing posts from September, 2016

Comment on pride and prejudice

Pride and prejudice Jane Austin  I know that this story is one of the best masterpieces from the English literature but for unknown reasons much of the story was lost in translation . The greek translation is a good rendering from  English as compared with the original (found as epub and downloaded  in my smartphone ) .The book has been bought as a bundle of 4 stories at a pruice of only 6.5 Eu. it is smaller than A5 with dense printing and about 240 pages. (on the smartphone i twas ca 850 pages middle sized letters ) Reading the greek rendering  is quite easy without problems but for unknown  reasons i lost a big part of the story for about the first third.but after it's half everything was OK. But i was quite bored  as no action was inside.

Σύντομες κριτικές ελληνικών βιβλιων

Ο τροχός της μοίρας (καλύτερα πες κατάρας) Ένα από τα πρώτα (?) βιβλία  της σειράς  του θέματος με έντονα  θεματογραφία. το διάβασα σε δυο μέρες  στις διακοπές  μου. έχει την εμφάνιση  της 'ζωής σε δυο πραξίες /stepmom' που ενώ ξεκινάει με ένα ευχάριστο τόνο  καταλήγει τραγική  αν όχι καταθλιπτική . Η ιστορία  αναφέρεται σε μια κοπέλα που ζει στην Καβαλα  πιέζεται από του γονείς της να παντρευτεί τον γκομενιάρη γιο της  φίλης τους ενώ μόλοι  έχει τελειώσει το λύκειο.  Στο ταξίδι της για την Ρόδο γνωρίζει τον ερωτα της ζωής της και το κρατα μυστικό.... δεν συνεχίζω  την ιστορία γαΐτη έχει πολλές ανατροπές όπως και το μέρος  του τέλους που συγκλονίζει. Αν ήμουνα   εγώ  ο συγγραφέας  δεν θα έγγραφα το τελευταίο κεφαλαιο. Θα προτιμούσα  η κοπέλα να έβρισκε την οικογενειακή ευτυχία που σχεδόν ποτε δεν είχε. Κρίμα που δεν γυρίστηκε σε σειρά. 4.8/5 Έχετε μήνυμα στο  κινητό σας ( μαμα...

Hindugreek music /songs /movies .

--- In the photo you ve seen  Mr Nargis ,one of the most important and older time popular Hindu actor in Greece.  Her movie Mother India is one of the most known movies with  length of ca 3.5 hours . I have this movie in DVD taken from a newspaper as insert. This interesting Hindi movies started  here in Greece after 50s . One of the reasons that they had big success is that their characters spoken to the heart  of the Greek people of the time. Many Greeks became immigrants  to Germany looking for work as they do today and some of them returned back sot start their jobs after  they earned some money. Greece was under a second inner war after the  end of the German dominance and had a 3-5 yeas  delay to 'resurrect' herself from both war's disaster. Thus Greek of the era were very poor and  looked for simple stories to watch. Specialized halls , second class at most,    played  Indian movies and were always full. It ...

Survey : are these dips available in your country ??

BY ENTERING THIS PAGE PLEASE BE OBLIGED TO POST YOUR COMMENTS TO THE BLOG. IT IS VBERY NECESARY TO KNOW IF THESE DIPS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE OUTSIDE GREECE  sauces as shown in a sancwitch store  l eft  down:paprika(red) then clockwise: tzatziki ,cheesepaste , mayo,farmer,russian Just looking  for sandwich dips in your country.   In Greece we call them  as salads but locally are called    "ointments" .Simply because they 'oint' the bread. Which of the following  'salads' /dips  you know to circulate in supermarkets in your country ?Please look the article in full before you  reply to me. #Paprika , Potato,  Russian  , Farmer , # Jajiki /Hungaraise/ Budhapest  , # Aubergine  /Tarama (cod roe) /Processsed  cheese Explanations  of these  names in case these processed salads  don't exist in your country,  by  naming category: These dips below are mostly Greek. -Paprik...