Avatar 2 also trolls well !
screenshot from the i mdb page This was a very good anf a bit traumatic experience after 13 years to watch the sequel Good as it was a case of a sudden but ad dur to several budgetary and watching reasons . first let me focus on the bad reasons and skipping the budgetary. The movie has been watched in a regional city with only one multiplex cinema with small halls and quite low illumination. The Dolby glasses were very dirty. Cleaning them helped very little . watching was relatively difficult and required frequent glass removals to calm my eyes. Now the good: as with the previous story this story is hugely CGI based though it was also ‘filmed’ in the sea, possibly New Zeraland as noticed by other reviewers or in the trivia. Landscapes nicer than in the first installment and thereewier copes into a totally new underground world. There is still some negative as ...