
Showing posts from 2023

NO limit movie review

Image   AI  enhanced as usual My original article "Sous Emprise" is a captivating film that delves into the compelling true story of a young woman who, in a bold move to evade the traditional path of university education, immerses herself in the captivating world of scuba diving. Guided by a young man who serves as both her diving instructor and mentor, their shared ambition to achieve greatness in the sport takes them to unprecedented depths, often pushing the boundaries of their abilities and risking their very lives. The movie is an obiruary to Audrey Mestre  The film masterfully portrays the profound chemistry that develops between these two protagonists, leading to a blossoming romance that adds an additional layer of complexity to their journey. The art of diving, as depicted in "Sous Emprise," is revealed to be a formidable and perilous pursuit. The narr...

The eye review Jessica Alba

  From amazon site     Title: A Captivating Horror Thriller - "The Eye" Starring Jessica Alba My original imdb review I ntroduction: "The Eye" is a horror thriller film that follows the story of a young violinist, Sarah, played by Jessica Alba, who undergoes a corneal transplant after a decade of living with a sight-impairing injury. The film takes a dramatic turn when Sarah starts experiencing supernatural visions, leading her on a journey to uncover the truth about her donor's past. Plot Summary: The film begins with Sarah, a talented v iolinist, who has been living with a corneal injury for the past ten years. Despite multiple surgeries, her vision remains impaired, leaving her desperate for a solution. At her sister's urging, Sarah undergoes a corneal transplant, which appears to be a success. However, she soon begins to experience strange and terrifying visions, both while awake and asleep...

Gone girl review

Image   AI assisted  with GPT turbo Gone Girl, directed by David Fincher, is a film that initially captures little interest but gradually unfolds into a gripping and suspenseful story. The movie revolves around Nick, played by Ben Affleck, who meets a journalist and falls in love with her, only to have his life turned upside down when his wife mysteriously disappears. As the investigation unfolds, Nick finds himself in a precarious situation, as the spotlight of suspicion shines upon him, making him appear guilty and potentially a criminal under the control of his wife. One of the standout aspects of Gone Girl is the unpredictable nature of its plot. The story takes unexpected twists and turns, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. The film delves into the darker aspects of human psychology and relationships, exploring themes of manipulation, deceit, and obsession. It presents a complex and mor...