When shazam makes wonders !
It is now about one week since i started a research testing my older songs recorded iin 89 in shazam The results are impressive!You will find a detailed technical information on the text belo in the numbered part The idea behind this research was first to identify the songs of my collection prior to start a DX-music related article. i tought it could be more wqise to fist know the all posisble titles of mu older collectios and then start writing the article. The sense of idetitification from Shazam was also very impressive . Knowing the real titles of songs you could sing but never knew is very magnificent and more epscially for me in a first time subject as Chinese and Thai which i never was envolved. The idea of using Shazam was a proposal by a fellow DX consultant last yea the time afcter a conflict with a radio fellow on two songs with nearly the same name but diferent category. It has been also used ...