
Showing posts from 2018

When shazam makes wonders !

It is now about one week since i started a research testing  my older songs recorded iin 89 in shazam The results are impressive!You will find a detailed  technical information  on the text belo in the  numbered part The idea behind this research was first  to identify the songs of my collection prior to start a DX-music related article. i tought it could be more wqise to fist know the all posisble titles of mu older collectios  and then start writing  the article. The sense of idetitification from Shazam was also very impressive . Knowing the real titles of songs you could sing but never knew is very magnificent and more epscially for me in a first  time subject as Chinese and Thai which i never was envolved. The idea of using Shazam  was a proposal by a fellow DX consultant  last yea the time afcter a conflict with a radio fellow on two songs  with nearly the same name but diferent category. It has been  also used ...

Satay vs Suvlaki

Please supoprt the author by sharing  this link! This   is  competition article  between two  contestants : The greek suvlaki and the malay satay .Both counties  have a very long tradition in cooking mean in any form. I m not good in cooking history and  i m neither itnerested . The text below is only for showing you he process i made to colect the ingredients, cooking it and finally checking the tasting results of two difrecnt cuisines for nearly the same species .The original malay recipe has been  found from  rasamalaysia   a well known malay cooking site owned by Bee a female food  blogger and chef. The collection process  has been made in two steps. It was discussed with my relatives one week before soall have the same  time   testing  both kinds of  satays. we decided that Saturday 19 May 18 would be the perfect day for cooking them On May 15th i have searched  in a frinds deli- ...

The most sucessful TV program in Greece on 18

Image Masterchef  I have already read that the englsih  format  of  Masterchef uses only two jurors  on  chef and one cooking jounalist. Thsi year the  journalist juror did a real  guff by calling a malay contestant  that her food a chicken rendang was not crisp. That proves he is not well aware on how rendang is made. Actually it is a meat or poultry, slowly cooked into  coconut milk with various spices .This made a strong controversy   in twitter and other sites with even commentaries from the Malay  ministers.I also know that because i have  made the same dish many times before and also put a  photo on facebook and .Instagram as proof Anyway  this is not the reason   of this post . it was just a way to write this article. The NEW Greek Masterchef format  has posibly many shown   new 'fresher' ideas  that pushed in the top of the greek audience with hunderds of thousand if not mil...

Κριτική εκπομπής : Masterchef 2 κύκλος

Η δεύτερη χρονια μια επιτυχημένης  εκπομπής.Θα κάνω μονο μεριά κριτικά σχόλια για την  φετινή εκπομπή. Η περσινή εκπομπή ήταν  κατά  γενική ομολογία πολύ καλή και διατηρήθηκε σε "υψηλά " επίπεδα  ποιότητας.Είχα δει αρκετά επεισόδια με πιο  επιφανή τον Σκαρμούτσο που μου είναι πολύ συμπαθής όπως και τον Κοντιζά  που μου φάνηκε επίσης αρκετά  συμπαθής. Έχοντας  μητέρα γιαπωνέζα  έχει σίγουρα πάρει  τα έθιμα της χώρας της  και έχει και καλύτερη  ψυχική ηρεμία από ότι εμείς οι έλληνες. Δυστυχώ όμως για λόγους τηλεθέασης η παραγωγή αποφάσε να χαλάσει το επίπεδο της φετινής εκπομπής.Ο σκαρμουτοσς δεν δέχτηκε να συμμετάσχει.  Ο Κοντιζάς και η παρέα του  παρόλο που  κρατάν μια  αρκέτα σοβαρή  συμπεριφορά  έναντι  όλων έκαναν κήρυγμα σε παρείσακτα άτομα όπως  η Γωγώ.Είμαι σίγουρος ότι αυτό μπορεί να  καταστρέψει την καριέρα τους  . Παρόλο που τώρα  στις 3/3 προσπαθούν να αν...