
Showing posts from June, 2008

Bonkenc #3 : remain converters

BLADE ENC This is a plugin offered from the program's web site as ' optional ' . I have also installed it for testing Blade is one of the oldest freeware converters but with closed coding although recently ity has been open source . The version used is 0.94 As you may see the codec configuration is very simple . Just the bitrate and some basic adjustments with also separate channel encoding (the dual channel) Bitrates are standard with 32, 48 , 56 , 64 , 80-, 96 , 128 192 224 256 and 320 being the highest Here are the measurements with BLAde CD WAV b/W 320 14.19 12.9 22kHz 6.87 192 15,87!! 13.12 22 kHz 6.62 128 17.81!! 16.06 16 kHz /peak 800 Hz 96 18.53 16.75 -7 db<2.4k ,-4<16k,-42>16 48 18.46 16.77 -40<2.6, -17<-5, 7.5-16> -7.5 The first column is ripping time from CD of a song of 2,26 mins Secoind columns from the WAV ripped song b/w is the me...

Bonkenc#2 : process standards and LAME

IN this and the following articles you will find som measurenemts  for the encoders used with bonk: first let me advise you the  method  i used for  measuring 1. For the times measurements : Used - A song from a CD  of 2.26 mins ripped directly . I order no to damage the CD i then  ripped it to WAV  format -a stop watch unit from  DS clock,  a  simple visual  (and free )clock  program , with .01 sec accuracy. most of the results have +/- 0.15 secs tolerance  - Snagit one of the oldest capturing programs  for capturing part of the screen - After snagit was started capturing   i start the stop watch and then bonkenc - After Bonkenc ended its task , i stopped the timer and then the capturing - i then measure the bars progressing and do the time  subraction Here is a video  with the above methodology >>> 2. For the  sprectrum measurememnts A WAV file  is first made with  white no...

Bonk enc #1: a very good (shell) program for ripping your CDs ...

.........and reconverting your MP3s  into another forrmat ........... A REVIEW The program has been found i think in the freewaregenius web site (together with mediacoder , toibe reviewed later here ) several months ago, bvased on a very short review, which normally acts as a shell program for several freeware /open source audio codecs. The program can be found  in the adress  and includes  the latest two versions  , together  with two extra plug ins. The most curent is 107 ONce you download the  program the screening is shown as below: The program has the following  specifications: - is totally free and comes with its  source - it can be just unzipped into a folder and  work . Thefore it is a green program - There are various language translations including a program that handles translation fields - Connectivity with  CDDB  for automatic  album naming (if avaialble ) - automatic ripping after a CD...