Mijn Beste Vriendin Anne Frank


via imdb


This is another and newer movie on Anna Frank the well-known child who wrote stories in the prison camps in Netherlands. This info is now known to my daughter  and mother but never learnt that in our school in the late 70s.

The story is referred  form the Hannah’s point of view a real person and their life before  Germans started Hebrew imprisonments  . Sometimes posters in imdb have to check out internet before posting their comments is someone is real or not .  The story is  narrated by Hannah during her imprisonment in the Belgen Belzen area   with  continuous flashbacks a few months ago  before they were arrested  Dint forget, both are Jews. Most Jew people in the region added a star to separate from the remain Germans and locals.

In short  the story shows on how both teen girls lived their life in their suburb under the German control, with a strong friendship bond suddenly on how their friendship stopped because Anna was quite insisting towards her friend  for nothing and later Hanneli found her onca again in the in different walled parts of the imprisonment camp helping her friend with some food before she  - Anna - died  from illnes.


As noticed by other posters in imdb , he movie adds info on a rebellious Anna as most teenagers who is thinking a bit more in herself her sexuality, noticed also from the start of the movie not to mention the anatomy book showing the female genitals she continuously show to Hanneli. This is the reason they divorced before Jewish assassination happened .

A few more flicks here

There is also a  nice reference to the book Florence nightingale which was anna’s mos beloved book , possibly as a diary story as noted by Hanneli

“Hebrews smell bad” another point as mentioned in the movie by a German official.

The movie has a very poor plot pace that is also quite boring in most pre assassination times due to real life speeds .There are a few possibly shocking ‘twist’ moments as the bombing of the buildings and the German militia raids to oust people from their homes. Very nice scenes on the prisons  with little tortures possibly embellished from the reality.  The prison camp reminds me the Schindler list.   Both actresses are playing very natural

Definitely a 8/10


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