FEED READER : last review fr RSS readers

ReviewReviewReviewReviewMar 6, '12 10:22 PM
for everyone
Feed Reader

And this is the last RSS   program to be tested in this blog

Found  in a Greek  forum  and seems to be quite known in the related community. And as I tested  it is one of the slimmest and finest programs  so far .
The version tested is the last , though released on 2009!! Thus we might suppose  the developing team stopped supporting this program  so far

Its first feature that comes with some predefined sources as
-business  offering  Business Week and Forbes (invalid feed address )
-news from BBC

But there  is also an option  to use their preloaded feeds , as  follows:
-F.R. int'l collection : Business ,cars, entertainment , nes ,tech , travel
-Top1100 feeds (but are empty )
-Feeds in dansk , german hebrew, frisian and swedish! ee
Synchronize with other  online readers

News feeds :

-Search feed : Feed reader has an excellent  way to include  all search engines in check boxes for maximum  of 10 . The sources are delicious , ebay flicker , Google blog , Google news , msn search (bing), technorati , twitter , yahoo news , youtube video . Other programs require separate entry for each search engine. The above picture shows on how the search is behaved

-smartfeeds : from a instrinstic search . a point that i havenot tested , and nither interested


-save article : It is a mixed  tag and  web posting (internal ) feature  and happens only in watch article mode. Once the save is pressed , it opens a dialogue showing the article add , a link , a channel to select (archives  or one of the news sources ) , a tag , author and content to be added plus some basic html formatting

-cleanup : this is the most basic and comes from the database information . It shows also the inactive and problematic channels The stared and archived postings  are kept

-‘news ticket’: A small ticket shows the ‘just arrived’  news . It is located on the right bottom .As I found this si the most sensitive part of the program and is subject to freeze. Options are fading in&  out , head display duration

- news bar : as inthe above  picture a bar showed in the top or in the bottom of the screen with the latest news . All items are adjustable : position top or bottom of screen , news  heads show , last XX mins of arrival  ,  head display time.

-views : classic  (head on top ,feed on bottom ) , wide (head on left. feed on right pane ), full (as newspaper with full feed view)
The viewer is very basic  IE based , and offers  browsing on original feed  source of the selected  feed  ajd shows a save mode , that keeps just the feed Any linked pages outside the  source  page can only be watched with the default browser. Any linked pages inside the parent web page  can be  watched with the intenal browser !

- news availability :As with the other programs the news are received  immediately. In very heavy posted sites  seems  to keep only the 300 last postings as with remain programs .

Here browsing comparing to great news  is a bit better . You can scroll news by using ctrl and down or up
 as for copy paste  to Word    3 the speed id relatively good . The resulted pasting is a bit diaspointing as the lines spacings are quite high (ca 1.5 line spacing )
OPML imports and exports are included  in the program for transferring  your favs from  and to other program

IN each case  the feeds are sorted by reverse  date. There are other 3 options tag and source but  deliver the exactly same result

Any way  this  program goes quite far from the remain though still i could expect two things  to rate it as perfect , though i don't think so due to a possible canceling of this project ....:

1. retrieve the news
2. have a delete feeds  from the right click menu


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