Klingenfuss Shortwave Frequency Guide, 2005-6

2005-6   Klingenfuss Shortwave Frequency Guide,  

And this  will be the third book  for review  from this publisher

This  book  covers  full listing from all over the shortwave radio spectrum .

There is an introduction which is carbon copy from the  utility  guide book (monitoring utility stations )

The first part covers  the utility transmissions. The frequency listing  seems  identical  with the previous book , with some minor differences : 9 columns instead of 4 and smaller font (8 picas instead of 10 ) to  include in 161 pages

On the second part (shortwave radio ) there is a introductory text with an extensive reference  to DRM  with emphasis  to the latest for that time  products and a comprehensive  frequency listing  of DRM transmissions

The frequency listing of 150 pages uses again smaller fonts (8 picas )and a 9 column format  with frequency , station name , ITU code, start and end transmission time , language , transmissions  target and remarks (transmission validity , days of transmissions etc ) 

The country listing  reminds me the format WRTH  uses : two column printing , country is printed  in reverse printing (black banner with white fonts ),  a simpler format  for info (langs , start and end time target and freq , though power will be useful ) Once again be noticed  that  several Communistic countries are marked as  ‘communist  undemocratic’  And  no addresses are noticed  for any reception  report.

Clandestine  stations are shown in the end with target  country and which are the sations and the transmissions points

For that time   this book  is quite  valuable as all services are shown in once

But  for today I think the second part I am more interested can be outdated  quite soon as nearly every week ,stations stop or start . And many changes  to the frequency listing occur (look at DSWCI !!)  for this reason I think online listings such as Eibi or Aoki’s are more updated and useful.


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