This girl needs your help

This girl needs your help ! This title might be somehow misleading as in the reality this girl is not a real person , but mere a fiction person designed by a frnd of me who is intending to prepare a fiction story based on the survey I just carried out

A second person made several additions (little exaggerated )to make same levels tensions between the interested members of the story
In my part I only conveyed this research and just compiled the statistical results।
Before of everything let me first describe for what the story stands by posting the translated the text into English

Here is an interesting story tçat came after a discussion between my cousin - the founder if the idea - and other friends and I just share to you!

Please read the story very carefully before replying ! (otherwise you l not get the story -it is condensed wording )

In our story, imagine a girl of ca 20 years of age with a big dilemma to define her life’s future (and career)

She has the opportunity to manage a group of companies from her father ,as she is for the moment honorary manager. She studies now marketing /management and already has offered many interesting proposals.

Her mother is a tremendous beauty and excellent singer and instrument player (violin). She inherited both characteristics of her. Her first music album won great sales. As even nicer than her mom she has been picked and photographed for a magazine (and sharply raised the sales of that magazine) became Mrs Young and very shortly a supermodel. She now under accepting a proposal from an international modeling house

She now has a dilemma which way to follow. If she accepts the proposal her career will go international (and possible live abroad ). As a singer she already had many proposals including singing for Eurovision. Her business abilities helped also the company group well . Or in two words she is ‘the absolute star’. (ie all need her same level )

You are now under the help of her. Which way do you suggest to choose?
1. Become a manager (business woman).
2. Follow modeling.
3. Follow singing.
4. Find a solution to do all together???
5 Any other solution?

added :
0: your rating of the subject ........../10

Profession: ………………………..

This was the text made in A6 papers for filling out by the persons questioned . My method to do this survey is a bit weird

-asking first my friends
-asking people ‘in the roads’ ie unknown to me , especially the times I and my family enjoyed outside or afternoons, ie hobby wise
-asking students as they are closer to the age of the girls in reference (a more systematic approach also by time ) . I lived near the university before marrying . And my aim was to stop after carrying out 150 leaflets .
- and several people via internet . This was the lowest response rate as only 6 from 25 person s asked replied
Below are the results of this survey for a total of 151 leafs:

A 53% (business woman )
B: 5.9% (top model )
C: 12.5% (singer )
D: 23% (combination )

E: 7% (other solution )

There were several cases in E showing by time combination eg first to do C then A that I added to the D case
BY the way here are several of the [OTHER ] replies and I keep them all regardless of the stupidness of the reply :
1। Mother (comment :possibly the most serious of all, but she will have any career future? )
2. Do charity (a response from a Theology student, still accepted but the questions remains for her career )
3. Escape from everything
And two stupid replies !
4. Become porn star !! (as Janne Jameson for example )

5. Become …….my girl friend !!! (haha )

Something about the option 4 : I had 3 replies ! Now it is a common sense that the newly born porn industry will be possibly the only profiteering , as most of the other business are gradually lowering । We are now in the most difficult crisis ever
Mean rating : 7.1
48 responses from the above come from undergraduate students Here are the results:

A: 58% (business woman )

B: 18,3% (top model )
C: 10% (singer )
D: 16% (combination )
E: 6% (other ) [are the 1-4 replies from the above OTHER listing ]

Mean rating : 7।4

As in result the students shown a bigger interest for top model career though combination number declines

In the comments you will find my opinion too


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