
Showing posts from July, 2020

‘Litter the fryer ‘ Based on the ‘chiringuito de pepe’ (beach bar of pepe )

    vs Pepes from its facebook page- Fryer from videos in antenna site see at end This is the Greek vversion of the original Spanish story as noticed in the end of episodes I have not seen the original series except the little info   shown in its imdb page that shows just 16 episodes and I am quite impressed that the Greek team modified it into 110!!! Episodes Greek version in the other side is made  mostly with catchup dialogue and scenes and format very close to the ‘old and bad’  series ‘SOS mi vida’ from Argentine or  Sarita as it was known those times (around 2008 )   What I mean with that is , the story is as like an umbrella of short substories     A  bad (=highly toxic if not criminal ) team continuously does bad things against the good team filling most of the story with humorous  mini  stories  In SOS falucho , the lawyer . Miguel , Queszada’s cousin and Constanza are in the bad group while the Monita , martin Qickue and most remain ere the go